Havana, Feb 21, 2025 - our first full day with the group. After visiting the plazas, the Malecón (seawall), and other famous sites around the city, our guide took us to some less visited areas, including a boxing gym run by former Cuban heavyweight champion Radamé Castillo. While he trains the next generation of Cuban boxers, across from the ring families whose casas crumbled years prior are living in makeshift "homes" consisting of sections cordoned off with sheets, tarps, and whatever is available for some semblance of privacy. What was supposed to be a temporary situation now looks to be indefinite...
This was my 6th visit to Cuba since 2018. In that time, I have seen the amount of commerce steadily decline, along with the vibrant street scenes and nightlife. Nevertheless, time has shown that the Cuban people are resilient and resourceful. While I am certain they will navigate the current economic hardships brought about by diplomatic challenges and intensified by the pandemic, I can't help but empathize with them and feel satisfaction knowing that our visits offer some support to our guides, drivers, hosts, street vendors, and others.
To visit Cuba with Nat Expo Tours is very much a cultural experience. We explore the cities and the countryside, museums, national parks, and more. Our guests inevitably experience a full range of emotions and leave with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to connect with some of our closest neighbors. Dates for the February 2026 tour are posted on on our website: https://natexpotours.com/2023-cuba/
Please message me if you are interested in experiencing Cuba with us!