A Deeper Look at Havana

Havana, Feb 21, 2025 - our first full day with the group. After visiting the plazas, the Malecón (seawall), and other famous sites around the city, our guide took us to some less visited areas, including a boxing gym run by former Cuban heavyweight champion Radamé Castillo. While he trains the next generation of Cuban boxers, across from the ring families whose casas crumbled years prior are living in makeshift "homes" consisting of sections cordoned off with sheets, tarps, and whatever is available for some semblance of privacy. What was supposed to be a temporary situation now looks to be indefinite...

This was my 6th visit to Cuba since 2018. In that time, I have seen the amount of commerce steadily decline, along with the vibrant street scenes and nightlife. Nevertheless, time has shown that the Cuban people are resilient and resourceful. While I am certain they will navigate the current economic hardships brought about by diplomatic challenges and intensified by the pandemic, I can't help but empathize with them and feel satisfaction knowing that our visits offer some support to our guides, drivers, hosts, street vendors, and others.

To visit Cuba with Nat Expo Tours is very much a cultural experience. We explore the cities and the countryside, museums, national parks, and more. Our guests inevitably experience a full range of emotions and leave with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to connect with some of our closest neighbors. Dates for the February 2026 tour are posted on on our website: https://natexpotours.com/2023-cuba/

Please message me if you are interested in experiencing Cuba with us!




Cuba 2025, Havana

We just wrapped up our 2025 Cuba Tour with Nat Expo Tours. Our group was wonderful - everyone had a great time and was equally moved by the interactions we had with the Cuban people. We spent the first two days in Havana, walking around the city with our guide, Yasel, and exploring places that were new even to me.

Aside from the quintessential locales and photographing the classic cars, we visited areas off the beaten "tourist" path and witnessed some of the realities of life in Cuba. This time I trained my camera on these aspects, the often overlooked and downtrodden, and will share those images next.

We've got the dates up for next year's Cuba tours, with two sets of dates available. More info and a detailed itinerary here: https://natexpotours.com/2023-cuba/

Please contact me if you are interested in joining us, and thank you for following,



Cuba 2024

Another Cuba trip is in the books! We had two wonderful groups this year and look forward to returning in February, 2025. We have two time slots available again next year.

Looking at this year's schedule, we still have a few spots open for Iceland in June and Namibia in October. Please email me if you have any questions or visit our website for more info and itineraries: www.natexpotours.com




Near John Lennon Park in Havana

A tobacco farm (finca) in Viñales

Sunrise over Viñales Valley

Highlights from Cuba

A classic car tour of Havana, exploring waterfalls & swimming in the cool waters, kayaking with pelicans and visiting the countryside on horseback; these are just some of the highlights from this year’s Cuba photo tour! I intend to return to Cuba ‘el próximo año’ (next year) and might kick off the tour on Sunday, February 14, 2021 - Valentine’s Day. Please stay tuned for details on that…


Classic car tour, Havana

Classic car tour, Havana

El Nicho National Park

El Nicho National Park

Kayaking in Guajimico

Kayaking in Guajimico

Horseback farm tour, Trinidad

Horseback farm tour, Trinidad

Horseback farm tour, Trinidad

Horseback farm tour, Trinidad

Cuban Skies

“I can always find my Cuban skies

In Rosalinda’s eyes…”

(Billy Joel, Rosalinda’s Eyes, 1978)

That song always transported me to Havana, long before I ever visited. Today it’s taking me back there as I edit through photos from this year’s tour and find myself missing those Cuban skies. This was taken on our first day along Havana’s famous Malecón (sea wall) - always a lively and social place at the end of the day with vendors of all kinds and street musicians beckoning you to join them (for a few pesos) and on this day, a turbulent sea at high tide!

More images to come, including fun shots from the tour as well as some very important reconnections with friends from previous visits to Cuba.

As always, thank you for following my journey!



Classic Car and Horse Carriage, Havana, Cuba


I have gotten around to editing through my images from Cuba and added them to my website, if you'd like to peruse: https://www.colintyler.com/travel#/cuba-2019/.

Also, I will soon be posting my 2020 Cuba photo tours once I have worked out all the details! I will likely offer a 7-day tour as well as a 10-day tour with an optional day of yoga before going to Viñales.

Finally, I have an update on the camera gear that was damaged in the river near Trinidad, Cuba this past February. I sent it all to Nikon for evaluation and it turns out that both camera bodies and one of the three lenses are repairable. I received my D850 back yesterday and it seems to be working great! Not knowing what the status would be, I had arranged for another D850 to be brought down to me in Cuba so I now have two of them.

That is all for now. Have a great day out there and thank you for following my adventures!



Hola de la Habana!

Buenas dias, amigos! Hola de la Habana!

I arrived in Cuba yesterday and have been quickly reminded why I adore this country so much. My first tour (10 people) arrives tomorrow and we’ll be spending the first two nights in Havana before heading south to Playa Larga, Cienfuegos, and the city of Trinidad, then returning to Havana for a night and venturing out to Viñales for two nights. My second group arrives on Feb. 16 and we will repeat the same itinerary. Here are a few shots from my first morning in the Vedado neighborhood of Havana. Mas para seguir!




Happy 2019!

For a year that began with no travel plans, 2018 quickly turned into one of my most adventuresome thus far. February found me in Cuba 🇨🇺 for the first time, which set the stage for further spontaneous and far-flung excursions including the Big Island of Hawaii to photograph the Kilauea Volcano eruption, Washington state for a yoga 🧘‍♂️ retreat, and finally a quick visit to Iceland 🇮🇸 in September. I look forward to the magic that 2019 will bring in the way of new experiences and explorations. 

May your intentions manifest in the New Year and as always, thank you for following along!


PS – I can still add one more person or possibly a couple to my second Cuba Photo Tour, which begins in Havana on Saturday, February 16, 2019. Details here: https://www.colintyler.com/phototours-and-classes/. Please message me if you are interested.

2018 copy.jpg