Humpback Whale Video, Iceland

When the whales are too close to fit in the frame, sometimes it's easier to put the telephoto down and just shoot with your phone. Taken in Iceland's longest fjord, Eyjafjordur, with Whale Watching Hauganes. Shot an iPhone 13 Pro Max in cinematic mode...

We have already scheduled next year's Iceland Tour with Nat Expo Tours! Dates are June 19-28, 2023. More info and a detailed itinerary on our site: June 2023 Iceland Tour

Please message me if you have any questions about Iceland or any of our 2023 tours, including Cuba in February, an aurora adventure to arctic Norway in March, and Namibia in October, or visit our website:



Whale Watching in Northern Iceland

Hello from Akureyri, on the north coast of Iceland! I've had two successful days of whale watching up here. Yesterday I took a tour out of Húskavik with Salka Whale Watching, where we had some great encounters with a minke whale. Today I decided to give it another shot and see if my luck would continue on a cruise out of Hauganes with Whale Watching Hauganes. Within 30 minutes I spotted the first whale - a humpback! Again, we had some wonderful and very close interactions. I certainly plan to include cruises with each company on the August 2020 Iceland Photo Tour itinerary!

I will be posting details for the August 2020 Iceland Photo Tour later this year, once all the details are worked out. In the meantime, I am also leading a tour in Cuba in February 2020. If you or anyone you know is interested, please follow/share this link:

Thank you!


Humpback whale fluke.

Humpback whale fluke.

Minke whale lunge feeding.

Minke whale lunge feeding.

Humpback whale fluke.

Humpback whale fluke.